Monday, April 20, 2009

Utter wackness - when asleep & awake

Do the things we dream about mean anything?

I dreamt this week that I was a gigantic plastic piece in an enormous board game. Somehow I had transformed into a bright red "Sorry" place holder, and this invisible force came down from above and slid me from place to place. But it was more so taking me from one time in my life to another - from one scenario to the next almost showing me what I had experienced in my life - Childhood, Teenage Years, Professional Life. I woke up wondering if I had eaten some bad chinese, and then I stumbled around may apartment looking for some meaning. This was some some crazy imagery, I know, but this is my subconscious we are talking about. I am reasonably used to hilarity - but not complete wackness. The best I could come up with is that I ( a.k.a my subconscious) somehow decided to show myself (me) my experiences from a different perspective - in my dreams. That was actually exhausting to explain.

So anyway -  this personal tangent about life proposes itself after I survived a week of struggle and extremes. From insect infestation, to utmost fatigue from excessive antibiotics and cleaning, to all the way to remembering what it feels like to overcome some horrific challenge. Then just to add some fun life throws in the mix the gutting sensation of truly longing for someone who you really haven't had the opportunity to understand .......

So did this trying week happen for a reason? Did this resolution have some sort of meaning that I might have been impacted by? In my dreams probably - but it's only Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Dreams mean so much more than most people realize. Start writing them down and you will see patterns. Try to remember conversations as they are the first thing we forget and usually the most meaningful. Whatever your analysis is you are probably on the right track as we are the only ones who can make meaning out of our dreams. Look for symbols. I have a book on dreams and it's scary how objects in my dream (ie. an animal or a shape) reflect exactly what's happening in my life right now. There is a spiritual/soul part too that is trying to wake you up to your unconcious and bring awareness to reality as we think we know it.
