Wednesday, May 4, 2016

It's been a while ...

It seems that a lot of my reflective moments appear when my physical body starts to break down. Whether it due to sickness or distress I often turn to some sort of expression. Currently I am ill.

The last 48 hours have been a feverish nightmare of sweat and chills, but for some odd reason I've found some sanctitude in the slowed pace and capacity. I've been able to think clearly in the little time that i've been awake.

I am in a good place in life, but worry that I am not living up to what I expect myself to achieve and impact. I can do more, I can help more, I can influence good more. I think I've realized that the vices in my life, albeit self entertaining, are just selfish pieces that don't need to be played. I need to push more and drive to the ultimate goals in humanity - and less so the goals of the month, week, or evening.

It's time to plan a new line of attack. But first - time to go back to sleep and get healthy.