Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gauging your potential.

How much do you have left in the tank?

How bad do you "want" it?

Where can we build towards?

Is a dream a dream when you break it down to continual possibility and preparation?

Why do I feel that I need to know my potential? Why do I feel that foundational changes are needed to do so.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Slow down but don't stop the show.

Amplify the show, but keep in touch with the necessary tempo, speed, and sound.

It's always too late, somewhere.

Somehow it's never too early to tell or to be sure.

I await the day where I long for everything and I don't wish for other outcomes or requirements.

Somedays I wish and long for the past, and at other moments I wish that things would stand still.

Perhaps I wish that things would slow down, but the music would continue to play.