Monday, November 26, 2012

it's too late.

Imagine it's too late.

You time is limited, your breaths are numbers, your luck has run out. Time has somehow passed by and you're at the end of this lifetime.

It's a powerless and real thought. Just pause for a moment to put this in perspective. Think about how infuriated you feel when your boss makes a decision for you, when you get lost, or you have to wait on something for an hour or two.

Then multiply that feeling by an gazillion. That's how you might feel when you're lying on your death bed wishing you didn't lead a sucky and uneventful life.

So don't worry about waiting for life to find you. Go find it. Live it and love those around you.

Don't wait until that last moment, when it might be too late.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Porcupines, Elephants, and Ants

Porcupines are hurtful little beings. Their translucent quills are made to pierce the skin. From a far they appear to be harmless, yet damage can only be unleashed from a close proximity.

Elephants are truly loud and obnoxious beings. Somehow they prance through circles annoying most but leaving the surrounding crowd smiling at their larger than life personality.

Ants are thoughtful, cunning, and efficient. In groups they move molehills or mountains little by little. They are often undervalued and overlooked. Their impact is reviewed and continually judged, deemed unworthy of attention or gratitude.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Midnight (w)onderings

I wonder where this life will take me.

I wonder who will walk alongside me.

I wonder when I will realize my true purpose.

I wish I would only realize that sometimes we aren't meant to know. To rest assure, be cocksure, and pretend to understand and nod along.

It takes a certain type of inner calm to understand why the future holds secrets. Some believe that this knowledge is a heightened stage or enlightenment or utter insanity.

I wonder what the future will hold.

Monday, January 23, 2012

30 in 30 Challenge

Well I am getting / have gotten old.

I'm heading into my 30th year, and it's time for a post surgery fitness challenge.

Here is the deal:

30 minutes of hardcore cardio (sweaty endeavors)
30 days in a row
Jan 21st
Feb 20

The end point of the challenge is the best way to start my 30th year - on a beach with somebody special.

Here is to (elderly) health.